
100-Year-Old Sourdough Starter

Grandma Ingrid’s starter is over 100 years old! She got the starter back in the late ’70s when she made friends with a lady who just moved out to California from an Amish community on the east coast. It was a family starter passed down to each of the kids and was at least 60 years old when she gifted some to Ingrid. So for the past 40 years, Grandma Ingrid has cared for this starter and used it to bake tens of thousands of sourdough treats for her family, community, and friends. Now she would like to share some with you and hopefully, you can start a new family tradition and keep it going for another 100+ years!

There are two ways you can get some starter from Grandma, You can purchase some below, or you can get some free along with our online sourdough making classes and learn from Grandma herself how she makes her delicious sourdough bread. If you need the starter shipped, we send it via USPS in the dehydrated form so it safely makes the journey and the re-hydration instructions are below. Or if you live locally you can up pick up (Arroyo Grande, CA) a cup of already to go active sourdough starter.

Starter for Local Pickup

1 cup of liquid Sourdough starter to be picked up at Grandma’s Farm Stand at 234 Norwood St in Arroyo Grande, CA


Starter with Shipping

1/4 cup of dry sourdough starter that is shipped via the USPS in a 4″ x 7″ bubble mailer anywhere in the USA


How to pick up your starter

Contact Nicolle via email, Facebook Messenger, or call her at (805) 748-3011 and let her know what time/date would be best for you to pick up your starter. Pickups will be made at the Grandma Ingrid’s homestead at 234 Norwood St, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420.

How to reconstitute your starter

If you can’t pick up any liquid sourdough starter from us, we are happy to mail some dehydrated starter to anywhere in the United States. Here’s how you bring it back to an active state.

Written Directions

Day 1 – In a glass jar, mix your dehydrated starter and 62g of room temperature water (¼ cup). Remember to only use filtered or bottled water. Mark your jar as best you can to see if your starter is reactivating and growing. You might not notice much at first, but you should see it start to bubble a little. 

Day 2 – Feed your starter 32g (or ¼ cup) of all-purpose flour and 62g (or ¼ cup) of water, and mix well.  Don’t forget to mark your jar, so you see that it is active and growing. In a few hours, you should start to see activity in your starter.

Day 3 – If it’s active on day 3, then you can start your normal feeding routine as mentioned in the sourdough starter care section. If the starter hasn’t changed much, stay with feeding it the same ¼ cup of flour and water until it is active.

Still have questions? Reach out to us!